PZU Group companies offer their staff a friendly work environment coupled with equal development opportunities for all. Employees’ work-life balance is held in high regard by PZU. The company provides safe forms of employment, discharges on a timely basis its financial liabilities to employees and applies clear principles in the operation of our organization. Employees of Group companies make a contribution to streamlining the operation of the company. The PZU Group provides employees with equal opportunities for development by providing the right conditions for effective work – individual and team, thereby increasing the chances of success.

Hybrid work model

In May 2022, the New Work Model was implemented at PZU involving changes in three areas: the introduction of a hybrid work model, the implementation of group work tools that support it, and the change of headquarters. The New Work Model allows us to achieve our strategic goals of creating an inspiring place that provides conditions for high performance of employees and teams, and increasing the agility and flexibility of the organization. By introducing solutions that support the development of creative work methods, PZU provides good conditions for the development of innovation and building positive employee experiences.

The PZU hybrid model has given employees more freedom to choose their place of work, tailored to the nature of their current tasks, so that they can work more autonomously, focusing on results. The functionalities of the available group work tools tools increase the efficiency of collaboration within teams and between units in different locations across the country – making it easier to manage knowledge and achieve synergies. A flexible work environment promotes teamwork, facilitates collaboration between areas of the organization, and provides space for informal interactions and relationship building, as well as places to work with focus. In 2023, PZU continued its activities to support smooth operation in the New Work Model.

PZU is committed to ensuring that the shared work space provides comfort for every employee regardless of work style preferences and promotes teamwork. Therefore, it carefully analyzes employees’ opinions on how to use the available office functionalities and provides expert guidance on healthy and efficient work in shared space, as well as on work ergonomics.

In 2023, the campaign „Let’s Create a Friendly Work Environment Together” („Razem twórzmy przyjazne środowisko pracy”) was conducted. It was dedicated to raising awareness of the diversity of employees’ needs (based on the opinions collected) and the factors and ways to increase comfort and efficiency in the office.

In areas where this is possible due to the nature of the work – remote work of up to 2 days a week is possible.

The hybrid model allows you to choose the optimal place to perform your current professional tasks.

With hybrid work, it is easier to reconcile different roles and responsibilities, plan time for family and leisure.

All employees have access to a suite of tools based on the integrated Microsoft Office 365 environment.

Tools are used for organizing creative meetings, rapid exchange of information and knowledge (e.g., including document sharing), building knowledge resources, managing tasks.

The tools allow you to communicate effectively and securely in a hybrid model and maintain the efficiency of your daily work.

The arrangement of the office includes numerous additional spaces with various functionalities (e.g., co-work, relaxation rooms, focus rooms).

The comfort of using the space is supported by technological solutions (e.g. desk reservation system, video conferencing systems, interactive whiteboards).

A flexible office allows rapid adaptation to change, fosters different work styles, removes barriers between employees, and facilitates networking.

Best practices of the PZU Group

Study of the effectiveness of work and cooperation in the New Work Model

PZU conducts periodic employee opinion surveys – an annual engagement survey and an organization pulse check survey. The results of the survey are a source of important management information used to make decisions and consciously shape working and cooperation conditions. In 2023, for the first time, PZU conducted a survey concerning the effectiveness of work and collaboration in the New Work Model. All PZU Group managers – more than 1,470 people were invited to participate in the survey.

The purpose of the survey was for managers to summarize the effects of implementing the New Work Model to date in five areas, such as the implementation of goals and tasks, cooperation, work organization and availability of resources, team atmosphere and relations, and the functioning of the leader in the new work model. Managers who participated in the survey received individual reports that allowed them to relate their findings to those of the relevant group, i.e. their office or division. Most of the effects of implementing the new work model in the PZU Group indicated by the leaders were positive, such as high work flexibility and greater work-life balance. Leaders pointed to employee satisfaction with hybrid work, thus better work efficiency, time savings and related greater opportunities to motivate employees.