The PZU Group enables its employees to participate in a variety of development activities. Planned in annual cycles, they are strictly related to the strategic objectives and business challenges, and are suited to the individual needs of the teams and employees.
The PZU Group approaches the issue of development comprehensively, which entails organizing activities for all employees (across the company), specific groups of employees (such as managers), and specific employees individually.
PZU’s priority is to take care of effective knowledge management in the organization – maintain, share and utilize it across areas. That is why more and more frequently managers and specialists are engaged in internal development activities as authors of training programs, educational materials and as speakers or internal trainers.

Forms of development support available in PZU:
- “Click for development” (supporting lifelong learning using modern technologies and new Group Work Tools)
- #YouCreateTheFuture conference – inspirations on trends in science and technology, promotion of new working methods and effective personal and professional habits
- digital training sessions and competence courses in technology and personal efficiency (list of over 800 sessions, e.g., Excel course, effective data presentations, data storytelling, webinars, podcasts, short films covering MS Office functionalities)
- Well-Being well-being program #DobryStan (webinars and instructional videos)
- English language courses on an educational platform
- managerial and personal efficiency courses at IBA ICAN platform
- onboarding sessions
- managerial training (New manager)
- coaching programs for middle and senior management
- leader debates on key, valid topics (best practice sharing)
- pool of digital training in the form of courses or cohorts
- development diagnostics, e.g. preference and functioning style tests, 360 feedback, Development Center sessions
- professional training (revalidation)
- development necessary to perform duties and support workstation efficiency
- individual activities implemented on the basis of development plans
- activities for teams – based on identified needs
- development programs, such as Purchase Academy for the Purchasing Department
- development diagnostics – preference and functioning style tests,
- reimbursement for postgraduate courses
- other
- knowledge exchange workshops (training sessions organized by internal specialists)
- cooperation development workshops, creative solutionfinding
- team workshops based on results of studies on interunit cooperation and engagement surveys
The procedures and policies that govern the planning and organization of training and all development activities for employees, in particular: PZU and PZU Życie employee training procedure.
Rules for the organization and financing of training and development activities, Procedure for cofinancing postgraduate programs and specialist forms of professional development for PZU and PZU Życie employees, and the Work Regulations.
PZU and PZU Życie | ||||
Average number of training hours per employee by gender* | 2022 | 2023 | ||
Women | Men | Women | Men | |
Total training hours | 183,420 | 110,617 | 165,072 | 109,254 |
Average training hours | 30.0 | 28.8 | 27.3 | 29.3 |
Average training days | 3.8 | 3.6 | 3.4 | 3.7 |
Training in the PZU Group - managerial staff
A New Manager development programme is in place for those taking up managerial positions in the PZU Group for the first time. The aim of the programme is to communicate to participants the expectations placed on management style and competencies for managers at PZU. During the workshops, managers are trained in key managerial competencies, on giving constructive feedback, interviewing subordinates, task management and team planning, as well as managing the team in terms of employee diversity. The programme supports the implementation of PZU’s diversity strategy. The programme is not just a training course, but a development process lasting several months. In addition, managers have the opportunity to participate in a workshop using virtual reality glasses. This is an effective way to support the implementation of new competences by practising them repeatedly in an arranged environment.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
Neuro-leadership Academy
In 2023, PZU invited senior executives to a new program aimed at developing leadership competencies.
Participants in the Neuro-leadership Academy gain knowledge of the latest scientific discoveries related to leadership, learn about the functioning of the brain in business relationships as well as the biology of engagement and related to understanding and assimilating information. Knowledge and practical tips help build trust and psychological safety in the organization, as well as reduce stress in everyday situations and counteract professional burnout.
Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
HR over coffee
PZU has continued knowledge and best practices sharing sessions among managers since 2020. It organizes webinars and leadership debates on topics related to key management challenges (managing teams in a hybrid model, fostering innovation). Senior managers also meet at weekly online „HR over coffee” meetings that support ongoing exchange of information on people management topics, as well as sharing insights and ideas that serve to develop high standards of management and interdepartmental cooperation.
Types of digital educational efforts
PZU provides ready-made online courses as well as internally prepared ones whenever a specific need arises, for instance to promote specific tools handy in everyday work. These courses most often take the shape of short videos and tasks to be performed. The topics of courses prepared internally respond to the needs raised by employees.
With a view to promoting various forms of development, PZU records its own podcasts. Experts are interviewed, and they bring employees closer to the world of technologies that support online development.
For several years, PZU has been using virtual reality technology in employee education. It improves employees’ skills in first aid, building evacuation or damage handling. These are skills that could be dangerous for employees to practice in a real environment or very difficult to organize due to time, cost or location of employees. PZU is also using virtual reality in its program for new managers (applications newManager VR, Emotion Management) or in training in the area of cyber security (applications Cyber Security, Company UnHacked).
Webinars and workshops supporting the use of new technologies in development and day-to-day work, especially Microsoft 365 tools, are organized.
PZU in 2023 opened the first cohort course for employees on the topic “Scrum from the ground up.” It’s a learning style in which a group of students who have something in common (a common goal) and are making progress in learning at the same time. This method of learning, is much more engaging for the employee than traditional methods.
In order to improve the linguistic competences of employees and show how effectively they may learn using online tools, PZU enables and promotes the learning of English on an educational platform. Employees are provided with support in using the platform’s functionalities, their learning progress is monitored, and participants’ opinions are also collected for development of the related solutions. By the end of 2023, 1,155 individuals, including 1,052 employees of PZU and PZU Życie and 103 employees of other companies benefited from English learning.
Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
The #YouCreateTheFuture (#TyTworzyszPrzyszłość) Conference
In October 2023, the 5th edition of the internal #TyTworzyszPrzyszłość [#YouCreateTheFuture] Conference was organized. The event was held in a hybrid format.
Conference theme: The mind of tomorrow inspired participants to think about operating in a changing world and the sources to draw from to develop the competences of tomorrow. Speakers offered tips on ways to stay one step ahead, so that technology and change do not take us by surprise, but drive us forward into a new reality. Experts zoomed in on the trends that have and will have the greatest impact on future work and daily life. Issues such as looking after personal wellbeing, including relationships in particular, were raised.
Over 1,000 employees took part in the conference online, while 150 participants attended the conference in person.
Employees’ education in sustainable development
The PZU Group is one of the largest employers in Poland. Shaping responsible employee attitudes contributes also to reduction of the negative environmental impact. Therefore, educating employees in sustainability is one of the commitments under the “Balanced Growth” ESG Strategy. By 2024, 60% of employees will be included in the educational activities. Relevant level of knowledge and awareness of employees make it possible to introduce solutions in line with the ESG in each and every aspect of the business operations.
In 2023, PZU intensified its educational efforts. During the onboarding training, PZU employees receive basic ESG knowledge. An e-learning course available to all PZU employees was launched in 2023. During this training, employees not only learn about the ESG activities carried out at PZU, they can also check the sustainability of their daily habits and share their ideas on sustainable living. There is also an internal educational portal on ESG available to employees, including recordings of webinars on topics ranging from changes in ESG regulations to the challenges of plastic pollution. The portal also provides employees with practical advice on organizing sustainable corporate events or reducing the environmental impact of new technologies.
ESG strategy indicator: 60% of employees trained in sustainability
Level of implementation 2023: 30% of employees trained in sustainability
Subsidiaries also conduct educational activities. BALTA has built a team of Sustainability Ambassadors as part of its ESG strategy. The Ambassador community connects like-minded people, where, at least quarterly, employees from different departments interested in ESG topics meet to not only create new sustainable solutions, but also gain new insights into the ESG field and gain knowledge and inspiration to pass on to their teams. The ambassador program has produced 37 initiatives, of which 7 have been implemented and 8 are underway.
Types of educational activities in subsidiaries
LINK4 has a cafeteria in place, established in response to the development needs of employees and as a support tool for the pursuit of strategic goals. It is a series of workshops responding to the needs reported by employees and/or managers and addressing various current challenges faced by the organization. The workshop schedule is announced twice a quarter and is addressed to all managers and independent staff members. The purpose of the workshops is to develop behavioral competences intended to improve the efficiency of work performed by managers and specialists. During the workshops, topics such as feedback, face-to-face talks, implementation of changes, assertive attitudes, the art of presentation, Excel, effective meetings, management by objectives, employee engagement, self-discipline, effective learning, stress management, simple language and labor law are covered.
TUW PZUW implemented an onboarding process for newly hired employees.
Employees can take advantage of individual and group training offerings. The “Manager’s Academy” training program is being implemented – dedicated to Senior Executives and Middle Managers. In addition, employees have the opportunity to use an English language learning platform, as well as subsidized studies and specialized forms of professional development for employees.
Alior Bank cares about genuine development of its staff and management. Alior Bank’s training and development policy provides its employees with opportunities of specialization in selected fields, development of competences related to their duties and aspirations, and those related to team management. The management system and the development model adopted by the Bank enable the setting of effective paths of improvement for specialists and the development of their careers. Employees are provided with training programs. The offering includes product, sales and service quality courses and interpersonal and managerial skills training.
The Pekao Group and the Bank create educational opportunities and provide access to various forms of training for their staff. The Bank’s educational programs include local training and general development webinars, international training courses and programs, mentoring sessions, internal and external coaching, and certification training (among others, CFA/ACCA/CIA). The basic internal regulation defining this area is the Policy for Training and Enhancement of Professional Qualifications of Pekao Bank Employees, adopted by the Bank’s Management Board. It defines procedures relating to the course of processes related to the participation of employees in various forms of professional qualification.