The knowledge and experience of employees build the human capital of the PZU Group.
Given the tremendous significance of this capital for society and economy, PZU is eager to participate in events and conferences to develop business, science, new technologies and financial education. One important example of expert knowledge sharing is programs addressed to the younger generation and cooperation with the academia. This is also a way to reach ambitious students who soon will find themselves on the labor market and will be able to launch their professional career with PZU precisely.
PZU initiatives – knowledge sharing
Programs for students
PZU has been supporting the academic community for years. PZU initiatives addressed towards this group are implemented under the banner of PZU Student Talent. These programs allow participants to gain practical knowledge and their first professional experience, and learn the organizational structure of a large corporation. These include a nationwide apprenticeship and internship program, Open Business Days, and the Ambassador program.
Ensures the inflow of young talents to the organization and build the image of the company as an attractive employer. In 2023, nearly 3,700 students and graduates applied to the program, from which 21 interns and 38 trainees were recruited. The program started in July: the term of the apprenticeships was three months and of the internships – six months. They were held in various business areas and locations. Additionally, the participants were involved in a two-day training cycle on strategic thinking, project management, innovation (VR), good communication and collaboration. After the program had ended, 74% of interns continued their cooperation with PZU. According to the results of the evaluation survey, 100% of the surveyed interns confirmed that the program met their expectations.
Is one of the flagship ventures of PZU in expert knowledge sharing. These are practical workshops for students all across Poland during which they face real business problems and learn about the nature of day-to-day challenges in their selected area. The 2023 project was carried out in the last week of November at PZU Park and covered areas such as: IT – Big Data/ Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Negotiation, ESG, Actuarial.
Are a group of active students, who represent the PZU Group in their universities. They help engage the best students in the projects, cooperate with career offices, recommend student projects. The yearly cooperation with the PZU Ambassadors was started off with a twoday meeting in person at PZU Park. The Ambassadors participated in training on Personal Branding, Social Media, and Online and Offline Image Building. In the academic year 2023/2024, a total of 15 PZU Ambassadors have been active in the largest academic centers in Poland. They provide very strong support for PZU during recruitment for flagship programs dedicated to students.
PZU undertakes partnerships that translate into the recognition of PZU as an employer among the younger generation in the labor market and the level of interest this group has in recruiting students, graduates and young professionals:
In 2023, PZU was the Main Partner of the 8th edition of the „Go4Poland – Wybierz Polskę [Choose Poland]!” program organized by the WSE Foundation. As part of it, the company has engaged in an internship program, a mentoring program, the Go4Poland Summer School and the „Twoja kariera – kierunek Polska [Your career – towards Poland]!” conference. In this edition, speeches by PZU experts were in the areas of HR and ESG.
In 2023, PZU’s partnership with the SGH Warsaw School of Economics continued. Within its framework, PZU employees took part in the „SGH Career Day” job fair, SGH career consultations, and also regularly published materials promoting programs addressed to students at Gazeta SGH.
PZU is an employer that offers interesting work for professionals of varying seniority in many business areas and across the country. Wanting to strengthen its position in the 2023 labor market, it ran campaigns to promote its employer brand:
Employer branding campaigns
Showed how important it is to be able to combine professional responsibilities with interests and skills. PZU, thanks to its scale of operations and diversity, enables experts from different business fields to find a job that matches their competence. The campaign is aimed at active professionals with diverse seniority and specializations, such as insurance, finance, data analytics, IT, sales and customer service.
With the main goal of promoting the PZU brand as an attractive employer among IT experts.
In 2023, PZU TFI launched the first edition of the PZU TFI Academy as part of its educational efforts. It is a program aimed at students of economics or sciences, the purpose of which is to educate in the management of investment funds, analysis of financial instruments and the functioning of financial markets, as well as to popularize long-term investment using mutual funds and other collective investment products. Activities conducted within the Academy will continue in 2024.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
Co-Working Platform
A pilot of the Co-Working portal began in 2023. This is a new product to support employees and corporate clients of PZU Życie. The knowledge in the portal covers areas related to environmental regulations at work and good social practices that affect healthy living. The issues in the site directly address areas related to team management in promoting decent employment, equal opportunity policies and respect for employee rights. Of particular note is content discussing the occurrence of occupational health crisis in the form of chronic and occupational diseases. The issues discussed in the portal coincide with the area of human rights in the scope of the organization’s activities and is the realization of one of the goals of the ESG.