PZU is the most recognizable brand in Poland. Aided brand awareness is at the level of 99%1.
Even though it is mostly associated with insurance, PZU Group’s brand architecture also covers a few independent brands. They differ in visual systems, target groups and corporate business models.
PZU Group’s brand architecture (the „corporate umbrella” model)
Dominant corporate brand
PZU’s corporate brand is dominant in the Group. It is used to identify the PZU Group, most of its companies operating on the Polish market (PZU, PZU Życie, PTE PZU, TFI PZU, PZU Pomoc, PZU Zdrowie, PZU Centrum Operacji), as well as some of the international companies – companies in Ukraine and the Lithuanian branch in Estonia and Lithuanian company PZU Lietuva Gyvybes Draudimas (PZU Lithuania Life).

PZU Family brands
In the PZU Group’s architecture, there is also a group of PZU Family brands. This family is formed by companies whose names do not reference the parent company brand, such as AAS BALTA and TUW PZUW. However, their logos look similar to the corporate brand.

Independent brands
The last level of brand architecture is the independent brands group. This category includes the brands within the PZU Group, the names and visualization of which differ from the corporate brand, such as Lietuvos Draudimas and LINK4. In 2020, the Cash brand joined the PZU Group’s architecture. It denotes the employee financial benefits portal, which is managed by the company PZU Cash.

Independent brands – banking segment
1) Permanent brand monitoring, CAWI, nat-rep 18-65, data for January-December 2023; Percentage of respondents from the target group declaring familiarity with the brand by indicating it in a list of different brands