• 3-3
  • 2-7
  • S1-6

At the end of 2023, the PZU Group employed 38,800 people (full-time equivalent).

Employment in the PZU Group – in FTEs 2022 2023 change y/y
PZU Group 37.9 thousand 38.8 thousand +0.8 thousand
PZU 17.6% 17.0% -0.6 p.p
PZU Życie 8.2% 8.2% 0.0 p.p.
LINK4 2.4% 2.4% 0.0 p.p.
PZU’s foreign insurance companies 6.4% 6.4% 0.0 p.p.
PZU Zdrowie Group 5.7% 5.9% +0.2 p.p.
Pekao Group 37.7% 38.2% +0.5 p.p.
Alior Group 18.4% 18.5% +0.1 p.p.
Other entities 3.6% 3.5% -0.1 p.p.
Comments to 2023: PZU Group employment remained stable. There were no significant changes in PZU or the PZU Group as a whole.

Number of employees in countries where PZU Group conducts its business

Number of employees (converted into FTEs) by geographic structure (in thousands) 2022 2023
Women Men Total Women Men Total
PZU Group, including: 25.07 12.87 37.94 25.44 13.34 38.78
  • Poland
23.27 12.23 35.5 23.6 12.7 36.3
  • Lithuania
0.75 0.23 0.98 0.76 0.23 0.99
  • Latvia
0.45 0.14 0.59 0.47 0.14 0.61
  • Estonia
0.11 0.05 0.16 0.11 0.04 0.16
  • Ukraine
0.49 0.22 0.71 0.50 0.23 0.73
  • S1-9

Comments to 2023: across the PZU Group, women accounted for the largest share of employees (65.6%). There were no significant changes in 2023.

Comments to 2023: in the PZU Group, 86.1% of employees work under employment contracts executed for an indefinite term. The highest percentage of staff (converted into FTEs) who work under employment contracts for an indefinite term was in PZU (90.9%), and the lowest is in LINK4 (77.6%). There were no significant changes in 2023.

[ESRS S1-9]

Comments to 2023: the largest group of employees was those between the ages of 30 and 50, comprising 64.6% of employees. The largest share of PZU Group employees under the age of 30 was at LINK4 (21.3%), and those over the age of 50 were at the Pekao Group (33.6%). There were no significant changes in 2023.

Comments to 2023: in the PZU Group, those employed in managerial positions accounted for 13.2%. Other companies had the largest percentage of persons holding managerial positions relative to the total number of staff (17.2%). The lowest percentage was in the Alior Group (11.6%). There were no significant changes in 2023.

Comments to 2023: in the PZU Group, most people were employed full-time (94.9%). The highest percentage of the staff were employed on such terms in LINK4 (98.1%), the lowest in other companies (76.1%). There were no significant changes in 2023.

Number of women in PZU and PZU Życie

Number of men in PZU and PZU Życie

  • 2-8
  • S1-7

Number of persons employed on the basis of a mandate agreement 2022 2023
Women Men Women Men
PZU Group, including: 7,809 3,047 7,842 2,965
  • PZU and PZU Życie
1,237 847 1,283 898
  • LINK4
31 13 30 14
  • PZU’s foreign insurance companies
73 24 68 32
  • PZU Zdrowie Group
2,457 709 2,664 706
  • Pekao Group
78 62 69 75
  • Alior Group
956 455 1,003 292
  • Other companies
2,977 937 2,725 948
  • 2-8

Number of collaborators 2022 2023
Women Men Total Women Men Total
Agents (insurance companies) 306 89 395 276 153 429
Employed on the basis of civil law contracts (agreement for the performance of a specific work and mandate agreement) 7,809 3,047 10,856 7,842 2,965 10,807
Employed under a trainee contract 10 8 18 10 15 25
Self-employed 858 645 1,503 665 672 1,337
Total: 8,983 3,789 12,772 8,793 3,805 12,598
  • 401-1

Total number of newly-hired employees by gender and age

  • S1-9

Total number of employees by: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
Women 3,914 288 7.4% 3,867 311 8.0%
Men 2,776 214 7.7% 2,742 246 9.0%
Total 6,690 502 7.5% 6,609 557 8.4%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
Women 2,125 182 8.5% 2,184 216 9.9%
Men 979 100 10.2% 993 104 10.5%
Total 3,104 282 9.1% 3,177 320 10.1%

Total number of employees by age: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
<30 665 226 33.9% 656 250 38.0%
30-50 4,698 260 5.5% 4,583 287 6.3%
>50 1,327 17 1.3% 1,370 20 1.5%
Total 6,690 502 7.5% 6,609 557 8.4%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by age: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees Number of employees Number of newly-hired employees Percentage of newly-hired employees
<30 280 109 38.9% 288 125 43.2%
30-50 2,242 163 7.3% 2,276 188 8.3%
>50 582 10 1.7% 613 7 1.2%
Total 3,104 282 9.1% 3,177 320 10.1%
  • 401-1

Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals by gender and age

  • S1-6

Total number of employees by: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals
Women 3,914 392 10.0% 3,867 321 8.3%
Men 2,776 305 11.0% 2,742 264 9.6%
Total 6,690 698 10.4% 6,609 584 8.8%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals
Women 2,125 208 9.8% 2,184 181 8.3%
Men 979 115 11.7% 993 88 8.9%
Total 3,104 323 10.4% 3,177 269 8.5%

Total number of employees by age: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals
<30 665 143 21.5% 656 120 18.3%
30-50 4,698 410 8.7% 4,583 330 7.2%
>50 1,327 144 10.9% 1,370 134 9.8%
Total 6,690 698 10.4% 6,609 584 8.8%

PZU Życie
Total number of employees by age: 2022 2023
Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals Number of employees Number of voluntary terminations and dismissals Rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals
<30 280 73 26.1% 288 57 19.8%
30-50 2,242 187 8.3% 2,276 160 7.0%
>50 582 63 10.9% 613 53 8.6%
Total 3,104 323 10.4% 3,177 269 8.5%

Total number of voluntary terminations and dismissals converted into FTEs in the PZU Capital Group:

  • in 2022: 6,456; in 2023: 4,883.

Index of voluntary terminations and dismissals1 for all employees PZU Capital Group employed under employment contracts:

  • in 2022: 17.0%; in 2023: 12.6%

1) The indicator also includes internal rotation between PZU/PZU Życie and other companies of the PZU Group

In 2023 the rate of voluntary terminations and dismissals for all contracted employees in the PZU Capital Group decreased by

4.4 p.p. y/y

In PZU and PZU Życie, the ratios fell by

1.6 p.p. y/y


1.9 p.p. y/y

The results of an engagement survey conducted at 12 PZU Group entities show that employees are less inclined to change employers, and both engagement and overall job satisfaction are increasing in the organization.

Compared to 2022, two questions on employee loyalty (stay attitude) recorded a 5 p.p. increase in positive perception.

In the PZU Group, with the aim of, among other things, decreasing turnover, various measures are being taken in individual business areas and centrally, such as, for example, a broad development offer, measures to support employee well-being and a sense of being informed.