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PZU wants to create an inspiring and engaging workplace. PZU listens carefully to the employees’ voices – their needs, ambitions and difficulties. The voice of employees and their needs determine the directions of the organization’s management. PZU’s employee management culture remains true to the principles: think creatively, use new technologies, be open to continuous learning, inspire others, experiment and don’t be afraid to talk about your ideas. In pursuit of its business goals, PZU cares about the well-being of its employees, their positive experiences and provides conditions for development. PZU supports volunteerism, promotes development and health campaigns. Employees are encouraged to enjoy the benefits of a diverse and inclusive work environment, as well as work-life balance.

PZU takes a holistic approach to defining initiatives and projects undertaken for the benefit of employees. It includes both external trends, observed social and economic changes, business calls and internal needs analysis. With such a broad picture, it is possible to create and deliver initiatives that are both effective and attractive to employees. In designing companywide development activities for 2023, the results of the engagement survey and the PZU Pulse, current trends and recommendations from external experts, as well as the development needs most often identified in specific business areas, were taken into account.

In 2023, the Employee Experience Management – “EXM” approach was implemented so as to provide support in the area of commitment building in the PZU Group. The survey analysis helps to assess the overall mood in the workplace, as well as identify key factors that have an impact on engagement. The results of employee satisfaction surveys are an important source of management data and the basis for many organizational decisions. In this way, PZU strengthens the sense of empowerment among its employees to shape working conditions by taking into account current needs and expectations.

The fundamental document regulating the issue of managing employee matters is the Human Capital Management Policy in the PZU Group adopted in 2018.

In particular, it aims to support the implementation of the PZU Group’s strategy by securing the business needs of human capital management and providing integrated human capital management principles. The measures implemented in this regard allow to reduce risks associated with the difficulty of acquiring a skilled workforce with unique competencies. In communication targeted at candidates, various advantages of PZU are emphasized, including: stability of employment, vast professional development opportunities, bonus systems, serious approach to a healthy work-life balance, introduction of hybrid forms of work, care for the well-being of staff (pursuit of the #DobryStan (#Well-being) strategy). Tools for communicating with the labor market include PZU’s presence as an employer in social media and employer branding campaigns in specific target groups online and offline. Candidates are sought through various sources, including social media and industry portals.

In addition, topics related to managing employee issues have been captured in the Best Practices of the PZU Group that define:

  • common values and rules for ethical management;
  • working conditions (among others remuneration policy, non-financial benefits);
  • competence development;
  • occupational safety and health.

PZU’s ambition – defined in the strategy for 2021–2024, is to be the employer of first choice in the markets covered by the Group’s business. PZU’s intention is to achieve a friendly and inspiring workplace that will prove attractive to committed and motivated professional workforce. To make this possible, 6 main strategic initiatives have been launched with a view to developing the potential of PZU employees:

Development of effective cooperation between business areas, increasing the speed of actions and the quality of solutions implemented;

Development of a culture of innovation and of the ability to quickly respond to challenges and create market trends;

Retaining employees with key competences and attracting the best talent on the market thanks to our image of being a desirable employer;

Effective use of the potential brought to the organization by its diverse teams; 

Continuation of an effective dialog with employees with a view to building an engaging working environment together;

Taking care of the broadly construed well-being of staff and preventing declines in their performance or efficiency.