For many years, a major theme of PZU’s community involvement has been improving safety in local communities.

PZU is engaged in actions preventing accidents or mitigating their effects; it highlights proper behavior, supports preventive campaigns and rescue services. It analyzes causes of accidents and focuses on the most urgent problems, so that its preventive actions are as effective as possible. The second key area of community involvement, is the promotion of health and active lifestyles. Since the pandemic, the PZU Group has paid special attention not only to prevention and physical health, but also responded to the challenges of maintaining mental balance and preventing mental health problems.

  • S3-1

The PZU Group respects human rights in its business activities, in its direct relations with other stakeholders, especially local communities, cultural institutions, universities. In addition to the PZU Group’s Human Rights Policy, PZU also has other regulations that are relevant to human rights. These include:

  • Sustainable Development Policy in the PZU Group;
  • Best Practices of the PZU Group;
  • Security Policy in PZU and PZU Życie.

The issues of corporate social responsibility are regulated in the PZU Group’s ESG Strategy “Balanced Growth” for 2021-2024, which specifies the strategic areas of the PZU Group’s social commitment, as well as in the PZU Group’s Sustainable Development Policy.

There are Regulations for Sponsoring Activities in PZU and PZU Życie. The Office of Brand Promotion and Sponsorship carries out PZU’s tasks of financing tasks in the fields of culture, national identity, expertise, sports, as well as supporting local communities and entrepreneurship.

PZU and PZU Życie have a Code of Ethics in Advertising that, among other things, regulates the general rules for conducting sponsorship activities. The other PZU companies have introduced “Best Practices of the PZU Group”, i.e. a collection of values and principles for employees to follow in relationships with customers, business partners and within the company. PZU Zdrowie conducts social engagement activities based on the “Code of Ethics in Advertising” and the “Best Practices of the PZU Group”. Furthermore, the company has a dedicated sponsorship procedure. Alior Bank also conducts social engagement activities on the basis of the Code of Ethics in Advertising. LINK4 has a Policy of cooperation with local communities and charitable activities. TUW PZUW has implemented the Sponsorship Rules and the Sponsorship, Prevention and CRS Committee. The Baltic insurance companies of the PZU Group operate the “Charity and Sponsorship Policy”, which outlines the framework of interaction with the local community in the area of sponsorship, donations and other forms of social support, as well as defines objectives that the companies choose to support. The Policy also designates the lead departments, management methods as well as competencies in the area of sponsorship and community support management in each of the companies. The directions of sponsorship activities are: local communities and entrepreneurship, culture, knowledge, sports.

Bank Pekao has implemented the “Rules of Donations and Sponsorship by the Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna”. The regulation envisages, among others, the establishment of the Sponsorship and Donations Commission, to support the Bank’s Management Board in making decisions regarding its engagement in sponsorship projects or in respect of potential donations. Charitable activities are mainly carried out through the Pekao Bank Foundation, which was established in 1997.

The PZU Group’s expenditures on the areas listed in recommendation 1.5 of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2021 were as follows:

A summary of the expenditures incurred in 2023 by PZU and the PZU Group that are covered by Rule 1.5 of the „Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2021” issued by the Stock Exchange in 2021 is presented in the table below.

The PZU Group’s expenditures on the areas listed in recommendation 1.5 of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2021 were as follows:

Expenditures incurred for the support of (PLN million): 2022 2023
PZU PZU Group* PZU PZU Group*
  • culture
1.8 5.1 2.3 8.8
  • sports and physical activity
11.9 36.2 16.1 40.5
  • community organizations and foundations
18.4 39.4 18.9 54.8
  • charitable institutions
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
  • media
1.4 4.6 1.6 5.2
  • trade unions
0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5
*) Capital Group, including Bank Pekao Group and Alior Bank Group

Prevention fund

In 2023, the PZU Group engaged in activities in support of culture, sports, charities, the media, and social organizations.

Expenditures incurred from the prevention fund

Expenditures incurred from the prevention fund for (PLN million): 2022 2023
  • anti-accident activity
17.3 0.0 38.5 0.0
  • health care
0.0 18.0 0.0 17.5
  • safety at workplaces
0.0 8.0 0.0 7.5
  • other areas (including fire and anti-theft activities, public security)
9.1 1.8 3.2 3.7