• S4-1

Respect for human rights is the basis for building relationships with the key PZU Group’s stakeholder groups. One of the stakeholder groups that the PZU Group has the most influence on is clients. The PZU Group has a PZU Group Human Rights Policy, which is in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. In addition, the PZU Group has a human rights due diligence process in line with these guidelines, which is reviewed annually. The PZU Group’s Human Rights Policy ensures that in the PZU Group, in its relations with clients, the Group applies the highest standards of respect for human rights. Particular emphasis is placed on ensuring privacy, fair terms of nonlife insurance and a high quality of healthcare services. The PZU Group builds its relations with clients based on the principle of their equal treatment, respecting their diversity, and none of the products or services offered by the PZU Group are discriminatory in nature. An extensive network of outlets, also located in smaller cities, provides easy access to financial services, contributes to the prevention of financial exclusion, and most of these services are also available through remote service channels, especially in myPZU. Some of the products offered by PZU are targeted at social groups that are especially vulnerable to breaches of human rights, such as the elderly, children or people with disabilities. Also when making investment decisions regarding exposure to various commercial undertakings, the Group takes into consideration potential risks related to human rights violations. Relationships with clients and product design issues are also covered by the operational and compliance risk management system.

Key procedures to prevent client rights violations at PZU / PZU Życie:

  • Complaint Procedure for clients Rules for receiving, registering and handling and reporting client complaints;
  • Procedure before the Client Ombudsman (PZU SA and PZU Życie);
  • Client Experience Management Policy in PZU SA and PZU Życie SA;
  • Code of Ethics in Advertising PZU.