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PZU and PZU Życie have a “Client experience management policy” in force, with the program devoted to that subject matter being a strategic initiative for the whole Group.

It is carried out by the Client Experience Management Department. The guidelines for handling all complaints submitted to PZU and PZU Życie have been described in the “Rules for accepting, recording, examining and reporting complaints submitted by clients” (“Rules for handling client complaints”). Several hundred employees are involved in this handling process. Dedicated Complaint Handling Teams handle complaints and grievances. Some complaints may be dealt with by employees who handle claims and benefits. The complaint process in place is largely based on the Act on Complaints Handling by Financial Market Participants and on the Financial Ombudsman.

Closed Improvement Loop

PZU has in place the “Policy for managing proactive client initiatives at PZU – Closed Improvement Loop.” It appliesto all PZU employees who have a direct or indirect impact on client experience.

Closed Improvement Loop is a model adopted by the PZU Management Board that depicts how PZU defines, implements and monitors proactive client initiatives that ensure positive client experience. The purpose of the closed improvement loop is to improve client experience and streamline existing products and processes, design client experience, ensure consistent and effective communication and create new products and services in line with client needs and expectations. The Closed Improvement Loop process also includes the promotion of appropriate attitudes and behaviors among PZU employees, in particular by involving them in active participation in the process of defining and managing proactive client initiatives.

Client Improvement Database

Since 2022, PZU has had a Customer Improvement Database through which employees can submit initiatives and improvements. Since the creation of the tool until the end of 2023, 663 have been reported, of which: 121 have been implemented, 213 are in the process of implementation and 128 are under review. 201 initiatives were rejected on the grounds that the proposed solution already existed, the initiative duplicated those previously reported, or its implementation outweighed the achievable benefits.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie

„Client Oriented” competition series”

In 2023, the third edition of “Client Oriented” competitions was launched, with the aim of engaging employees in the process of initiating change for the benefit of the client and building a sense of influence for change in the organization. In all editions, 150 initiatives were submitted, of which 9 best ideas have been awarded and work is currently underway to implement them.

One of the winning initiatives was the “You choose, we help” project, which was piloted in 2023. As part of the campaign, the PZU Foundation has provided financial support to a number of charities identified by clients in a closed list. The campaign has yielded positive results and is an example not only of cooperation between clients and the company, but also a way to share PZU’s social responsibility as the country’s largest insurer.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie

„Frontem do klienta”

The Facing the Customer project was launched in 2023, through which Directors from the product area and Directors from the claims division visited PZU’s sales and service units. During their visits, they took a close look at customer service in branches, agencies, Call Center Direct and Call Center Service. The aim of the project was to give managers a direct insight into what issues clients turn to us with, what they ask most often, what products they are interested in. Visitors to each unit can use the experience gained to build new solutions and enhance positive customer experiences.

Customer Journey

PZU manages the customer experience using Customer Journey, which depicts all the events and experiences a customer goes through while interacting with the brand, at each stage of contact with PZU. There are many such points of contact, including advertising, leaflets, employees, the website, the app, Contact Center consultants, the offering, agents, opinions of other people. The action taken by the customer and the emotions that accompany it create a Customer Journey map that helps eliminate the causes of negative experiences and design new, better ones. To create the map, a 360 analysis is applied, looking at the aspects concerned through the eyes of the client, employee, agent and service providers. This in-depth analysis enables the deployment of a ‘quick wins’ solution – quick and simple results. This allows us to create products that more effectively meet client expectations, improve the systems and applications the client uses, make improvements in communication, process and documents, among other things. The map engages the employees encouraging them to cooperate more efficiently with the clients. Two Customer Journey projects were conducted in 2023. One of them was a customer journey and experience mapping project for four leading Cash portal products. The second customer journey and experience mapping project concerned service in motor damage from the perpetrator’s MTPL.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie

Training Course for the Customer 

PZU has a „Customer Course „training course in the form of microlearning available to all employees. It is designed to educate in the area of Customer Experience and Employee Experience, and additionally supports a customer-centric organizational culture. The training teaches how to design a positive customer experience and shows how to use the knowledge gained in everyday work. Participants who receive positive results on quizzes at the end of the training receive a certificate as a Customer Experience (CX) Ambassador of PZU.

The following actions were taken in 2023:

  • UX workshops – 2023 continued the development of usability testing, which has already become part of the process of designing new solutions on the myPZU platform;
  • Design Thinking Workshop – four design thinking workshops were conducted to focus on the clients and their needs and develop prototypes of potential customer solutions;
  • CX in practice – a series of conversations about Customer Experience – the series consisted of five webinars www.pzu.pl/raportcx/webinary and three podcasts www.pzu.pl/raportcx/podcasty, which addressed issues such as the use of artificial intelligence to improve customer interactions;
  • CX DAY – a webinar was held for PZU employees, during which PZU CX area managers presented the most important results of the CX area for the first half of the year, and talked about plans for the second half of the year. There was also a lecture with a special guest, an analyst of trends and innovative technologies;
  • The Customer Experience (CX) report “Epoch of new experiences” – the third edition of the report was prepared by PZU in cooperation with content partner Digital University. The publication showcases the trends and technologies that are currently having the greatest impact on the customer experience and provides predictions of changes and revolutions that will affect customer service in 5, 10 and 15 years. The report is available at www.pzu.pl/raportcx;
  • CX Conference – the keynote of the meeting was the latest CX Report The Epoch of New Experiences. Among other things, the conference discussed trends and technologies that create modern experiences, the evolution of customer experience in the perspective of the coming years;
  • Consumer Day – on the occasion of Consumer Day, a special webinar was organized for PZU employees, during which representatives of PZU’s CX area and market experts in the CX field gave lectures, during which PZU employees could learn: what customers think of PZU, how the customer profile has changed over the years, what will be the Customer Experience of the future.