• SBM-2

From a management perspective, the analysis of the value chain and the strategic actions taken based on this value, takes into account the needs and specifics of the stakeholder groups involved. The implementation of these assumptions relies on the process of mapping, needs research and active dialog. Groups are distinguished based on the degree of involvement in the Group’s activities and the degree of relevance when it comes to the impact on the PZU’s business model*.

  • 2-29

The PZU Group engages in dialogue with stakeholders in a regular and transparent manner through various channels of communication.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing, open communication between employees and their employer;
  • ongoing dialog with labor unions;
  • engaging workplace.
  • providing development opportunities for employees;
  • building understanding of the strategy implementation and of the performance;
  • activating employees to participate in new initiatives;
  • promoting best practices of hybrid work and optimal work style;
  • cooperation and understanding of needs between four generations of employees, inter-area cooperation;
  • preparation and adaptation to change and crisis situations;
  • engaging in social initiatives and actions (ESG, volunteerism);
  • health prevention and prevention of professional burnout;
  • strengthening responsibility for one’s own development and wellbeing;
  • creating a sense of influence over performance, decisions and the work environment;
  • ensuring that trade unions engage in dialog with the employer, as required by the law and as needed to maintain good relations with employee representatives.
  • engagement survey, pulse check, focus group, other surveys;
  • clear, measurable goals to be achieved, measured on a quarterly or annual basis;
  • direct meetings and discussions with the supervisor on an annual or quarterly basis;
  • internal, team meetings;
  • functional mailboxes to clarify uncertainties;
  • chat rooms, discussion forums;
  • information campaigns about opportunities for development, assistance and support;
  • promotion of engaging forms and tools, such as: gamification platform, online chats with experts, hotlines;
  • live debates with experts and organization leaders;
  • promotion of plain language;
  • involvement to make change in the work environment, e.g.: creating ambassador groups;
  • preparing managers for open dialog with employees, contracting, discussions;
  • inviting trade unions to participate in both consultation and reconciliation processes, as well as keeping them informed of significant changes in the company’s operations;
  • employee support program #rozmawiajMY ( #let’s talk);
  • the #GoodStan (#well-being) program – towards the work-life balance;
  • internal portal/intranet;
  • company-wide newsletter and thematic newsletters;
  • information and awareness-raising campaigns about the organization;
  • webinars with experts;
  • broadcast of quarterly performance meetings with the participation of board members;
  • video materials displayed at the company’s headquarters;
  • whistleblowing system.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing and open communication with clients;
  • quality and customization of products and services;
  • experiences with purchasing and service processes;
  • Client Ombudsman;
  • Health Ombudsman.
  • incorporating clients’ opinions when designing business solutions;
  • drafting transparent terms of offers and agreements;
  • offering quality products and services tailored to client needs;
  • providing multiple channels of access to products and services that match client preferences;
  • building positive client experiences;
  • preventing exclusion.
  • ongoing face-to-face meetings and in-person conversations at branches, agents’ offices, medical centers, and by phone (hotline, contact center);
  • constant online contact, including social media profiles, chat, website contact form, functional mailboxes, mojePZU, inPZU;
  • plain language in communication with clients;
  • satisfaction and opinion surveys on product and service quality to respond to client needs;
  • Client Improvement Database through which employees can propose pro-client initiatives and improvements;
  • omni-channel solutions, removing barriers and facilitating access to products and services, for example branches adapted to the needs of people with disabilities;
  • International Quality Certificate OK SENIOR®, confirming that PZU branches are tailored to the needs of clients over 60;
  • participation in trade fairs, conferences, networking meetings;
  • financial and insurance education programs: webinars, podcasts, blog, articles in the trade press, interviews, social media, TV programs;
  • publication of CX Reports.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing cooperation for mutual benefit, including experience sharing, feedback seeking;
  • getting to know expectations, understanding the needs and challenges of business partners;
  • presentation of strategic plans;
  • summary of the achievement of business goals;
  • product improvement;
  • Improvement of contracting, product sales and customer service processes.
  • building and maintaining fair terms of cooperation by, among other things, providing/ensuring access to accurate and timely information, opportunities to ask questions and voice opinions (surveys, focus groups, meetings; satisfaction and opinion surveys);
  • ongoing and recurring meetings with agents (annual and monthly);
  • internal communication portal for agents;
  • use of social media in communications;
  • newsletters;
  • sales training and support programs;
  • consulting groups, business communities of agents;
  • Elite Agent Club – meetings with key agents.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing cooperation in accordance with the principles of the Code of Conduct and CSR Best Practices for PZU Group’s Supplier;
  • supplier audits.
  • transparent rules of selection and cooperation with suppliers;
  • supporting the implementation of the PZU Group’s strategy and access to innovation;
  • shaping business standards – conducting business in a responsible and sustainable way;
  • promoting ethical procurement practices;
  • expanding suppliers’ knowledge of PZU Group’s needs and PZU Group’s knowledge of suppliers’ potential and capabilities;
  • improving the quality of supply of goods and services;
  • increasing ESG awareness in the economic environment and integrating ESG principles into business and procurement processes;
  • knowing about preselection of business partners willing to cooperate with the PZU Group – as part of the supplier verification process.
  • ongoing and periodic meetings and negotiations with new and existing suppliers;
  • frequent communication with suppliers on important cooperation issues;
  • use of plain language rules in communication with suppliers;
  • providing support to suppliers so that they understand relevant issues concerning the subject of communication;
  • joint effort during supplier audit processes to improve the quality of supply of goods and services;
  • list of PZU Qualified Suppliers.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing bilateral communication between the company’s management board and capital market players, based on good capital market practices.
  • building investor confidence;
  • transparency of operations;
  • equal access to information influencing investment decisions;
  • activating shareholders to participate in key decisions;
  • developing understanding of the PZU Group’s business model, strategy and value creation;
  • growth of the company’s capitalization
  • and distribution of profits.
  • shareholder meetings in which as many eligible persons as possible can participate;
  • proper fulfillment of disclosure obligations for listed companies – current and periodic reports;
  • quarterly performance presentations and newsletters;
  • quarterly performance meetings with representatives of the management board;
  • meetings with representatives of the management board following the announcement of key decisions for the company (for example, strategy, acquisitions);
  • live webcasts (with questioning and English translation) of quarterly performance meetings, shareholder meetings and other key corporate events;
  • online Investor Relations service (in Polish and English) providing up-to-date information, including presentations and recordings of shareholder meetings, quarterly meetings, key corporate events, etc.);
  • online integrated annual report;
  • regular meetings with institutional investors (during investor conferences, roadshows, video/teleconferences and at the company’s headquarters);
  • WallStreet annual conference for individual investors;
  • “My PZU Shares” loyalty program for individual investors.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • cooperation in debates and conferences;
  • ongoing dialog and incorporation of recommendations;
  • legislative cooperation with the Polish Insurance Association (PIU).
  • ensuring compliance with requirements and regulations;
  • supporting the creation of new rules in the market, including best practices;
  • ensuring compliance with regulatory and supervisory requirements, as well as with the corporate governance rules;
  • co-shaping the regulatory environment;
  • identification of actual and potential impacts when implementing new regulations (laws, recommendations) from both EU and national legislation;
  • determination of preventive and mitigating actions for negative impacts.
  • active participation in reviewing draft legislation and – if some threats, irregularities or risks of negative impacts for the insurance business are identified – making comments on these proposals as part of the cooperation with the PIU;
  • participation in the work of committees, sub-committees and working groups of the PIU, whose tasks include performing legislative activities aimed at protecting and improving the conditions for the functioning of the insurance market. This work focuses on analyzing and opining on an ongoing basis draft legislation, preparing assumptions and agreeing on market practices;
  • participation in meetings, reconciliations, clarifications and consultations (for example, recommendations) with KNF to determine the market impact of planned solutions.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • corporate governance over subsidiaries.
  • effective cooperation between the units of the PZU parent company and the PZU Group’s subsidiaries.
  • exchange of experience, meetings, reports;
  • PZU and PZU Życie representatives sitting on the supervisory boards of the Group companies;
  • uniform approach to governance standards in the key areas of the PZU Group’s functioning;
  • cooperation based on the policies as adopted (in more than 30 areas).

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing direct communication;
  • employee volunteerism;
  • supporting the development of local communities.
  • encouraging employees to participate in social and environmental actions;
  • implementation of social projects – volunteerism projects based on the cooperation of PZU employees (volunteers) with local communities;
  • improving the physical fitness of children and young people;
  • improving safety and life quality in local communities;
  • reducing disparities in the development of sports infrastructure and in access to sports between large cities and smaller communities.
  • implementing sponsorship and prevention projects to improve health and safety;
  • opportunity for PZU employees to receive a grant for a volunteerism project authored by them; the grant may be used for the benefit of their local communities whose problems they know well;
  • subsidies to people in difficult life circumstances;
  • activities aimed at equalizing opportunities for children and young people from small communities;
  • supporting sports activation of children and young people by subsidizing local sports clubs and associations through the Dobra Drużyna PZU (Good Team PZU) program.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing cooperation with journalists
  • transparency of operations;
  • easy and quick access to information about the company and the PZU Group;
  • developing insurance awareness;
  • increasing the level of knowledge about financial products;
  • correct perception of the external information policy and strategy of PZU and PZU Group;
  • consistent media coverage of events as well as key corporate and business topics.
  • maintaining good relations with key media and opinion-forming journalists;
  • inviting thematically selected editors and journalists to participate in corporate events;
  • providing answers (consistent with the PZU Group’s information policy and strategy) to questions from editors and journalists;
  • preparing press releases;
  • organizing press conferences,
  • organizing and participating in expert interviews and trade conferences;
  • social media presence.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • active participation in industry initiatives;
  • cooperation in the development of standards and regulations;
  • exchange of knowledge and experience within industry institutions.
  • promoting industry growth and innovation;
  • creating uniform industry standards and norms;
  • improving the quality of reporting data.
  • organization and participation in trade conferences, symposia and seminars;
  • participation in panel discussions and trade conferences;
  • conducting training and development programs for companies in the industry;
  • regular meetings within industry working groups;
  • market reporting for industry institutions.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • market monitoring and competition analysis;
  • cooperation within the PIU with insurance market participants.
  • development of the sector through healthy competition;
  • supporting the development of the Polish insurance market;
  • increasing efficiency and innovation;
  • developing a common stance to protect the interests of the insurance industry, for example in the area of legislation, reporting.
  • market research and trend analysis;
  • participation in trade conferences and events;
  • constructive exchange of experiences and best practices;
  • participation in initiatives promoting fair competition and sustainable development;
  • cooperation within committees and teams.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • ongoing cooperation for mutual benefit;
  • joint planning, implementation and evaluation of projects;
  • sharing experiences and knowledge;
  • supporting the development of the Polish startup ecosystem.
  • improving the PZU’s financial result and operating efficiency;
  • identifying areas to build PZU’s competitive edge;
  • increasing the level of knowledge about innovation and new technologies;
  • developing a culture of innovation;
  • agile and quick adoption of the best solutions.
External activities:
  • program of cooperation with startups as part of the innovation implementation at PZU – “PZU Ready for Startups;”
  • external communication portal https://www.pzu.pl/innowacje, a dedicated email box innowacje@pzu.pl;
  • • participation in expert interviews and trade conferences on innovation;
  • • participation in startup accelerators;
  • • use of social media (LinkedIn) in communication with Startups;
  • • information and awareness-raising campaigns about innovative activities implemented at PZU;
  • • building and maintaining relations with ecosystem partners.

Internal activities:

  • internal communication / Intranet, a dedicated email box innowacje@pzu.pl; Innovation newsletter.
  • information and awareness-raising campaigns about innovative activities implemented at PZU and about innovations and new technologies;
  • Idea Generator – a solution that allows PZU employees to submit interesting ideas for innovation;
  • InTalki – a series of webinars also with external guests, aimed at familiarizing PZU employees with innovative solutions and inspiring them to constantly look for new solutions in their business activities;
  • Innovation Days – an event dedicated to innovation, an opportunity to explore projects that are in progress at PZU and to transfer knowledge between PZU areas;
  • exchange of experience in the area of innovation within the PZU Group companies (including foreign ones).

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • building partnerships and conducting social diagnosis;
  • joint planning, implementation and evaluation of projects;
  • evaluation of employee volunteerism program;
  • knowledge sharing.
  • developing the idea of employee volunteering in cooperation with NGOs and institutions;
  • identification of the needs of specific social groups that can be implemented through employee volunteering;
  • minimizing the risk of occurrence or consequences of insurance accidents;
  • exchange of knowledge and experience, analysis of trends and challenges for sustainable development, including environmental protection.
  • participation of PZU employees in working groups ran by partner organizations, participation of organization representatives in thematic meetings, creation of joint publications;
  • implementation of volunteerism activities that meet the needs of NGOs and institutions;
  • implementation of educational and social programs for health, safety, social welfare and climate change mitigation;
  • evaluation research summarizing PZU’s employee volunteerism program;
  • organization of joint conferences, seminars and other activities with the participation of representatives of the third sector and the academic community.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • projects promoting education and cultural events;
  • patronage and partnerships.
  • promotion and protection of Polish culture and national heritage;
  • cultural education among children and young people.
  • providing patronage and partnership to Polish cultural institutions;
  • supporting Poland’s largest cultural institutions, which, due to their size and format, require large amounts of funding to conduct their statutory activities;
  • promoting high culture among children and young people as a factor supporting the development of proper cultural competences;
  • joint planning of projects that promote cultural education;
  • joint initiatives that promote cultural events;
  • organization of the setting of major cultural events.

Stakeholders involvement
Approach Purpose Method and forms
  • partnerships with selected universities.
  • promoting the employer brand and attracting young talents for the Apprenticeship and Internship Program and for junior positions;
  • sharing knowledge and experiences;
  • building relations with the academic community
  • participating in job fairs;
  • PZU experts participating in university events;
  • promoting PZU as an employer in communication channels used by the university to reach students.

* The environment is considered a silent stakeholder of the Group.

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Participation in associations and industry organizations

The PZU Group is engaged in the activity of numerous organizations and associations: PZU is active in the following organizations

a self-governing organization of insurance undertakings to which all the insurance undertakings operating on the market belong; membership is compulsory;

an organization of insurance undertakings that do business in Poland, membership in PBUK is compulsory;

its members are domestic and foreign insurance companies that conduct insurance activity on the Polish market in the area of mandatory motor TPL insurance and mandatory TPL insurance for farmers, established in 1990;

a self-governing organization of issuers that represents the interests of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. PZU has been a member since 2010;

PZU has belonged to this business organization since 2016;

brings together companies that want to build strong competence in innovation;

Membership in the organizations listed above is of a strategic nature to PZU. The company supports the activities laid down in their articles of association and takes part in additional projects run by these institutions.

  • EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. PZU Group companies cooperate with the EBRD and the European Investment Fund in financing projects. Within the framework of the subordinated bonds issuance, in 2017, the EBRD acquired PLN 300 million in securities;
  • Qorus (formerly EFMA) – is a non-profit organization aimed at fostering innovation and cooperation among financial institutions around the world. It brings together banks, insurers, as well as technology and service providers. Membership in this organization gives PZU access to a wide network of contacts from various financial institutions around the world, conferences, reports, which enables the exchange of knowledge in the field of innovation in the financial sector including insurance.
  • The Geneva Association – an international association of insurance companies (think tank), whose members are CEOs of insurance and reinsurance companies. PZU participates in events to identify and analyze key trends and areas of risk that may shape or affect the insurance industry, and has the opportunity to contribute to recommendations for the industry and policymakers;
  • The World Economic Forum – an international organization for public-private cooperation. PZU’s participation in events dedicated to the exchange of opinions and discussion of contemporary world problems, with the aim of building initiatives for cooperation and global progress.

PZU has also been a signor of the Charter of Diversity since 1 July 2013. This is an international initiative to advance diversity and equal opportunity in employment regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, age, disability or religion. PZU is also engaged in external (domestic and international) sustainability initiatives, as described in Global Challenges to Sustainable Development.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie 

Self-governing activities – strengthening protection for insurance market participants

The representatives of PZU and PZU Życie participate in the work of the committees, subcommittees and working groups of the Polish Insurance Association. Their tasks include conducting legislative activities that aim to protect and improve the conditions for the functioning of the insurance market. This work focuses on analyzing and opining on an ongoing basis draft legislation, preparing assumptions and agreeing on market practices.