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Preventing Undesirable Behavior

A major aspect in the development of an inclusive organizational culture is the prevention of and no acceptance for mobbing, intolerance or other forms of discrimination. The prevention of mobbing is supported by company legal acts, including the Work Regulations and the Procedure for Preventing Undesirable Conduct in the Work Environment – Mobbing and Discrimination at PZU SA and PZU Życie SA. The procedure was introduced by an order of the President of the Board and applies to all employees regardless of their position. It defines actions in the event that mobbing or discrimination occurs in the organization, and includes rules on antidiscrimination. Employees become familiar with the procedure at the beginning of their employment.

Anti-Mobbing Commission and Anti-Discrimination Commission

An Anti-Mobbing and Anti-Discrimination Commission have been appointed to verify unacceptable behaviors. They review employee complaints and investigate each signal of actions or behaviors that may have the features of mobbing or discrimination, as well as unequal treatment in employment. Persons with an education in law and psychology sit on the Anti-Mobbing Commission and Anti-Discrimination Commission.

Training Courses

All employees are required to undergo an e-learning course with respect to: Preventing mobbing and discrimination in the workplace. In addition to mobbingrelated issues, the training provides information on prevention of discrimination and equal treatment in employment opportunities.

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Number of confirmed violations related to violations of antimobbing and anti-discrimination rules 2022 2023
PZU 0 0
PZU Życie 0 0

Preventing undesirable conduct – subsidiaries

The Group companies have anti-mobbing policies and internal procedures in place.

In the case of companies with a low headcount, no separate regulations pertaining to prevention of mobbing have been implemented. The companies comply with the general document, Best Practices of the PZU Group, which indirectly regulates the conduct in a mobbing situation, and the Human Rights Policy adopted by the PZU Group.

The Alior Bank Code of Ethics, which is binding on the employees of the Alior Group, contains guidelines on applying the principles of professionalism and respect in the workplace as well as the principles of good manners and openness toward diversity and tolerance.

Alior Bank has a Work Environment Policy Free from Undesirable behaviors which applies to all Alior Bank employees (regardless of the form of employment) and is an expression of the employer’s obligation to prevent and counteract undesirable behavior in business relations, in particular to counteract discrimination, mobbing, harassment and sexual harassment. The Bank provides educational activities to prevent the occurrence of undesirable behavior in the workplace. Any employee who believes that he or she has been a victim of mobbing, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or other undesirable behavior can complaint about the occurrence of undesirable behavior through channels dedicated to reporting such irregularities.

Bank Pekao has an anti-mobbing policy in place. This document lays down the rules for counteracting any action or conduct indicative of mobbing; additionally, it aims to underpin the execution of labor law regulations with respect to the obligation of combatting mobbing. The Bank applies a zero-tolerance policy towards mobbing actions or behaviors in relation to employees (including manifestations of sexual harassment), with proper consequences immediately imposed on perpetrators. In accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Mobbing Policy, each reported case is examined by the Anti-Mobbing Committee – a collective body appointed by the employer to investigate mobbingrelated complaints.