• G1-6

PZU and PZU Życie have the status of a large entrepreneur within the meaning of the Law on Counteracting Excessive Delays in Commercial Transactions of March 8, 2013. Pursuant to the law, payment terms in transactions in which the creditor is a micro, small or medium-sized enterprise and the debtor is a large enterprise (the socalled asymmetric transaction) are 60 days. Internal regulations in place at PZU and PZU Życie reduce the standard payment term to 30 days and apply it to all categories of suppliers.

The following table shows the percentage distribution of invoices paid on time and late payments to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in 2023.

Ongoing legal proceedings in relation to late payments by PZU and PZU Życie

Percentage of number of invoices paid in 2023
on time after
up to 30 days < 5 days 6-30 days 31-60 61-120 >120 days
PZU 93.0% 3.9% 2.4% 0.4% 0.2% 0.1%
PZU Życie 92.6% 3.0% 3.4% 0.6% 0.2% 0.1%

In 2023, the average invoice payment time for small and medium-sized enterprises from the start of the contractual payment period was 29.3 days for PZU and 29.4 days for PZU Life.