The PZU Group and PZU report used “GRI Standards 2021” for general and material disclosures, and “GRI 2016” for thematic disclosures.

GRI Standard Indicator number Indicator name Location
The organization and its reporting practices
GRI 2 – 2021 2-1 Data on the organization
GRI 2 – 2021 2-2 Entities covered by the organization’s sustainability reporting
GRI 2 – 2021 2-3 Reporting period, reporting frequency and contact information
GRI 2 – 2021 2-4 Information revisions
GRI 2 – 2021 2-5 External verification
Activities and employees
GRI 2 – 2021 2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relations
GRI 2 – 2021 2-7 Employees
2-8 Persons providing work for the organization who are not its employees
GRI 2 – 2021 2-9 Composition and structure of the most senior managing body
GRI 2 – 2021 2-10 Appointment and election of the most senior managing body
GRI 2 – 2021 2-11 Chairperson of the most senior managing body
GRI 2 – 2021 2-12 Role of the most senior managing body in overseeing impact management
GRI 2 – 2021 2-13 Delegating responsibility for impact management
GRI 2 – 2021 2-14 Role of the most senior managing body in reporting on sustainability issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-15 Conflicts of interest
GRI 2 – 2021 2-16 Providing information on critical issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-17 Collective knowledge of the most senior managing bodies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-18 Performance evaluation of the most senior managing body
GRI 2 – 2021 2-19 Remuneration policies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-20 Remuneration determination process
GRI 2 – 2021 2-21 Annual rate of total remuneration
Strategy, policy and practices
GRI 2 – 2021 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy
GRI 2 – 2021 2-23 Commitments included in policies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-24 Fulfillment of commitments included in policies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-25 Negative impact mitigation processes
GRI 2 – 2021 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and signaling potential irregularities
GRI 2 – 2021 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulations
GRI 2 – 2021 2-28 Membership in organizations
Engaging stakeholders
GRI 2 – 2021 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement
GRI 2 – 2021 2-30 Collective agreements
GRI 3 – 2021 3-1 The process of identifying material issues
GRI 3 – 2021 3-2 List of mterial issues
1. Reporting topic identified as being material: Approaching the challenges of climate change
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-23 Commitments included in policies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-24 Fulfillment of commitments included in policies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-28 Membership in organizations
2. Reporting topic identified as being material: Reducing the carbon footprint
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 305 – 2016 305-1 Total direct emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-2 Total indirect energy-related emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-3 Other indirect emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-4 Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-5 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
6. Reporting topic identified as being material: Product offerings with environmental factors in mind
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
7. Reporting topic identified as being material: Sustainable investments  
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
8. Reporting topic identified as being material: Consideration of ESG factors in working with clients, including education and awareness-building activities
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-28 Membership in organizations
9. Reporting topic identified as being material: Advancing an active and healthy lifestyle, preventive activity
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 403 – 2016 403-6 Health promotion among employees
10. Reporting topic identified as being material: Prevention activities in safety and cooperation with rescue services
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
14. Reporting topic identified as being material: Insurance and financial education
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
G4-FS16 Initiatives to enhance financial literacy by type of beneficiary
19. Reporting topic identified as being material: Business strategy with sustainable development factors (ESG), ESG management structure and future plans
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-9 Composition and structure of the most senior managing body
GRI 2 – 2021 2-12 Role of the most senior managing body in overseeing impact management
GRI 2 – 2021 2-13 Delegating responsibility for impact management
GRI 2 – 2021 2-14 Role of the most senior managing body in reporting on sustainability issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-17 Collective knowledge of the most senior managing bodies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategy
22. Reporting topic identified as being material: Customer service standards, complaint handling system, satisfaction survey on services and products offered
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-25 Negative impact mitigation processes
GRI 417 – 2016 417-1 Internal requirements concerning the labeling of products and services and information regarding them
G4-FS14 Initiatives taken to improve access to financial services for the disadvantaged
23. Reporting topic identified as being material: Information security and protection, cybersecurity
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-25 Negative impact mitigation processes
25. Reporting topic identified as being material: Integration of ESG factors and risks into the PZU Group risk management system
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-12 Role of the most senior managing body in overseeing impact management
GRI 2 – 2021 2-16 Providing information on critical issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-23 Commitments included in policies
GRI 2 – 2021 2-24 Fulfillment of commitments included in policies
31. Reporting topic identified as being material: Employment structure, headcount turnover, employment conditions, equal pay and working conditions
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 2 – 2021 2-7 Employees
GRI 401 – 2016 401-1 Newly-hired employees and cases of attrition
GRI 401 – 2016 401-2 Fringe benefits provided to full-time employees that are not available to temporary or part-time employees
GRI 404 – 2016 404-1 Average number of training hours per year per employee
GRI 404 – 2016 404-3 Percentage of employees subject to regular job quality assessments and career development reviews, by gender and employment category
GRI 405 – 2016 405-1 Composition of supervisory bodies and employees broken down into employee groups by gender, age and other diversity factors
GRI 405 – 2016 405-2 Average base salary ratio of women to men
33. Reporting topic identified as being material: Education and development of employees at various levels – offering development opportunities, training, education co-funding
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 404 – 2016 404-1 Average number of training hours per year per employee
GRI 404 – 2016 404-2 Managerial skills development and continuing education programs that support employment continuity and facilitate the retirement process
34. Reporting topic identified as being material: Engaging employees in ESG issues, including ESG in annual management goals, and sustainability education
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
35. Reporting topic identified as being material: Promoting health and healthy lifestyles of employees, ensuring work-life balance , well-being initiatives
GRI 3 – 2021 3-3 Management of material issues
GRI 403 – 2016 403-6 Health promotion among employees
Economic performance
GRI 201 – 2016 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed (including revenues, operating costs, employee remuneration, grants and other community investments, undistributed profits, and distributions to owners of capital and government institutions)
Counteracting corruption
GRI 205 – 2016 205-1 Activities assessed for corruption risks
GRI 205 – 2016 205-2 Communication and training on the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures
GRI 205 – 2016 205-3 Confirmed cases of corruption and actions taken
Violation of the principles of free competition
GRI 205 – 2016 206-1 Legal steps taken against organizations for violations of free competition and monopolistic practices
Tax transparency
GRI 207 – 2016 207-1 Approach to tax reporting
GRI 207 – 2016 207-2 Control and risk management in tax reporting
GRI 207 – 2016 207-3 Commitment to tax policy development
GRI 207 – 2016 207-4 Tax reporting by foreign companies
Environmental topics
GRI 301 – 2016 301-1 Raw materials/materials used by weight and volume
GRI 302 – 2016 302-1 Energy consumption of the organization by type of raw materials
GRI 302 – 2016 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption
Compliance with environmental regulations
GRI 303 – 2016 303-5 Total water intake by source
GRI 305 – 2016 305-1 Total direct emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-2 Total indirect energy-related emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-3 Other indirect emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-4 Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions
GRI 305 – 2016 305-5 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Compliance with environmental regulations
GRI 307 – 2016 307-1 Monetary value of fines and total number of non-financial sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and/or regulations
Ocena środowiskowa dostawców
GRI 308 – 2016 308-1 Percentage of new suppliers that have been assessed to meet environmental criteria
Social topics
GRI 401 – 2016 401-1 Newly-hired employees and employee turnover
Occupational safety and health
GRI 403 – 2016 403-2 Rate of injuries, occupational diseases, lost days and absences and number of work-related fatalities
GRI 403 – 2016 403-5 Training for employees in occupational health and safety
GRI 403 – 2016 403-6 Health promotion among employees
GRI 403 – 2016 403-9 Work-related injuries
Education and training
GRI 404 – 2016 404-1 Average number of training hours per year per employee
GRI 404 – 2016 404-2 Managerial skills development and continuing education programs that support employment continuity and facilitate the retirement process
GRI 404 – 2016 404-3 Percentage of employees subject to regular job quality assessments and career development reviews, by gender and employment category
Diversity and equal opportunities
GRI 405 – 2016 405-1 Composition of supervisory bodies and employees broken down into employee groups by gender, age and other diversity factors
GRI 405 – 2016 405-2 Average base salary ratio of women to men
Countering discrimination
GRI 406 – 2016 406-1 Total number of cases of discrimination and corrective actions taken on this issue
Social assessment of suppliers
GRI 414 – 2016 414-1 Percentage of new suppliers that have been evaluated according to social criteria
Marketing and labeling of products and services
GRI 417 – 2016 417-1 Internal requirements concerning the labeling of products and services and information regarding them
GRI 417 – 2016 417-2 Cases of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes on product and service labeling and information
GRI 417 – 2016 417-3 Cases of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes on marketing communications
Protecting client privacy
GRI 418 – 2016 418-1 Legitimate complaints about client privacy violations and data loss
Sectoral aspect: local communities
G4-FS14 Initiatives taken to improve access to financial services for the disadvantaged
G4-FS15 Policies for the fair design and sale of financial products and services
G4-FS16 Initiatives to enhance financial literacy by type of beneficiary