We develop green insurance offerings

We provide insurance solutions to support the climate and energy transition


We reduce our carbon footprint

We strive to achieve full climate neutrality in both our own operations and those of key partners


We create an inspiring and engaging workplace

We promote healthy lifestyles, optimal work styles and encourage employees to implement good habits


We invest in a sustainable way

We make investment decisions that support the development of renewable energy sources and investments with an ESG component (ESG-linked)


We actively manage ESG aspects

ESG goals are clear ambitions set at the level of the Management Board’s objectives, and key indicators of the ESG Strategy are an integral part of the PZU Group's business strategy


The PZU Group has consistently strengthened its leadership position in key financial market segments, doing so in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. The Group incorporates environmental, social and governance factors in all aspects of its operations and treats these factors equally.

Anita Elżanowska

Member of the PZU Supervisory Board delegated to temporarily perform the function of the PZU CEO

2023 strategy implementation

40 %
Share of largest corporate insurance clients (from ESG-sensitive sectors) assessed for ESG factors
Goal 2024: 55%
2,65 billion PLN
Capital commitment to investments supporting the climate and energy transition (total in 2021-2024)
Goal 2024: PLN 0.5 billion
79 %
Share of electricity coming from RES (own operations)
Goal 2024: 100%
14.7 million
Number of recipients of community activities on safety and sustainable lifestyles (recipients of activities in a given year)
Goal 2024: 15 million
55.7 %
Percentage of employees covered by the program in terms of well-being
Goal 2024: 70%
12.9 %
Percentage of employees of corporate clients covered by preventive measures affecting their health and safety (recipients of activities in a given year
Goal 2024: 10%
ESG goals (achieved)
Goal 2024: The inclusion of ESG goals in the strategic objectives of the company and forwarding them to Senior Managers for implementation
53 %
Integration of ESG requirements into key procurement processes
Goal 2024: 70%
7 (from 2021)
Joining new initiatives / organizations / partnerships - promoting sustainability  
Goal 2024: 3

PZU in ratings and rankings

B rating

In the environmental rating conducted by CDP, PZU received a B rating, and thus recorded an increase from a C rating. PZU’s score is within the average rating in the financial services area and in Europe.

Rating of 18.6

In July 2023, PZU received an ESG risk rating of 18.6, which Morningstar Sustainalytics considers a low risk of material financial impact related to ESG factors.

BB Rating

PZU is rated BB by MSCI ESG Ratings in 2023. MSCI ESG Research provides ratings on a scale from AAA (leading) to CCC (deficient).

Rating 35/100

PZU received a 35/100 score in the Sustainability Assessment – Corporate Sustainability Assesment (CSA) issued by S&P Global in 2023.

PZU Group Integrated Report

  • 26.9 billion PLN
    Insurance revenues
  • 5.8 billion PLN
    Net profit
  • 2.40 PLN
    Dividend paid per share
  • 229% %
    Solvency II ratio
  • 85.3 %
    Combined ratio
  • 21.9 %
    Group insurance operating margin and IC

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